The Jakaya Kikwete Cardiac Institute at the Muhimbili National Hospital in Dar es salaam is dispatching  a team of three doctors to perform life-saving heart surgeries to Rwandan Children at the King Faisal Hospital in Kigali.

According to the Acting Executive Director of JKCI Prof Mohamed Janabi (pictured right), the three Tanzanian Medical experts will work hand in hand with their international partner,  Open Heart International (OHI) of Australia that has a five year Memorandum of Understanding with JKCI in regard to developing Pediatric Cardiac Services in Tanzania. 

Prof Janabi named the trio who are pictured below as taem leader Dr. Godwin Godfrey Sharau (Pediatric Cardiac Surgeon),  Dr, Naiz Majani Pediatric (Cardiologist)  and Dr. Onesmo Mhewa (Pediatric Cardiac Anesthesiologist)
The three Tanzanian medical experts will set up a surgical camp at the  King Faisal Medical Central from 14th to 22nd April, 2016 where some 25 Rwandan Children are expected to get their life-saving heart operations.  
Since Rwanda has yet to have a standing cardiac program, the collaboration is aimed at addressing urgent surgical needs for the growing neighboring country's long waiting list of patients as well as working with Rwandese health providers in training and development.
This is a welcome gesture from Tanzania to Rwandan children to have their surgeries at JKCI as part of Tanzania – Rwanda and East Africa collaboration spirit.  
The JKCI, though still at its infancy, has vastly grown its capacity in as far as  open heart surgeries on children is concerned.
In 2015,  for instance, some  207 children had their life-saving surgeries at JKCI, and many more continue to receive treatment  this year. 
Over 300 more children are expected to be operated on at the Institute this year, whereby already some 80 patients have already been operated on from January to March alone.  

The trip comes only a few days after President Dr. John Pombe Joseph Magufuli's  visit of   Rwanda during his maiden trip abroad. 
" The objective of JKCI remains to being  a to Center of Excellency in Heart Diseases in East Africa by 2020", said  Prof Janabi, adding that in 2015 the center successfully  operated on twins from the DRC, patients from the Comoros islands and procedures have been conducted on a number of  diplomats residing in Dar es Salaam.
"All i can say at the moment is that  the future of JKCI  is bright",  said the soft-spoken Prof. Janabi

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